Friday, November 14, 2014

Rejoice + Suffering = Hope

To my sisters in Christ,

The sound of the alarm blares in my ear annoying quite possibly the worst morning person in the world.  The early morning thoughts in my head war against each other.  One argument attempts to sway me to get up and enjoy the opportunity for Bible study.  Unfortunately, the opposing side screams louder that more sleep is required, luring me back to sleep.  And then…there it is.  The sound of a text from my friend across town, alerting me that she’s awake and ready for her time with Jesus.  She’s expecting a text in return, keeping me accountable each day for early morning quiet time with the Lord.

So, in an effort to please my friend and reward myself with a cozy coffee, my feet sluggishly hit the ground.  Notice, my intensions have not Jesus in mind!  Stumbling through the dark, and very possibly over some shoes in the middle of the bedroom floor, I somehow make it to the good old faithful Keurig awaiting me in the kitchen.  With one push of a button and in a matter of seconds, coffee is brewing and I’m beginning to think the venture away from the warm bed may have been worth it.  Tiptoeing past the sleeping puppy, I whisper a prayer that he doesn’t stir.  At this time, my focus remains self-centered as I desperately crave the quiet atmosphere.  The house is alive and noisy all day and I relish a few minutes of complete silence.

Upon arriving to my oversized chair with freshly brewed coffee in hand, I grab my Bible, journal and colorful pens, cuddle in a warm quilt, and pray, “Lord, help me to stay awake!”  And it is at that moment I sense the voice of Jesus in my heart, welcoming me by saying, “I know it wasn’t easy but I’m so glad you made it this morning.  Let’s spend some time together.”

Opening the pages of the sacred script, I read in Romans 5, “…rejoice in our suffering…”

Wait…what?  Did I just read that?  Is my mind still asleep and not quite understanding the words on the page?  Did you just say REJOICE and SUFFERING in one sentence?  With a rub of my eyes and a second glance on the page, I read it again, “And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:2b-4 NIV

That’s all it takes.  Just a verse or two for God to change your course in life, leading you toward him.  So following a method in the challenge, I dig in a little deeper to allow the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts.  What are the facts of these verses?  If I were to explain this in my own words, what would I say?  For starters, we rejoice because the end result is hope.  However, getting from suffering to hope is a process.  In our suffering, we persevere which produces character and ultimately leads to the path of the eternal assurance of hope. 

After observing the facts, I ask myself, what are the lessons I can learn from these verses?  At first glance, I come to the conclusion that rejoicing in suffering is never a natural response.  As sinful people, we do not naturally rejoice when afflicted by suffering.  It goes against everything in us.  The process of completely embracing the hope that the Bible speaks of may not be completely realized on this side of heaven.  However, as we read in verse 6, this hope will not disappoint.

After observing the facts, I seek out how to apply these truths to my own life?  The Holy Spirit shows me that it is my job, through His power, to rejoice in suffering.  Rejoicing is a word showing action, something for which we are commanded to do.  As I read how hope does not disappoint, I realize that this hope is not of this world.  My addiction to iced white chocolate Americanos will eventually disappoint me.  A quiet house and time alone will come to an abrupt end at exactly 7:00 a.m. when the kids come bouncing out of their rooms.  My family cannot be absolutely everything to me.  My deepest dream of returning to my “Old Kentucky Home” may never come true.  People may disappoint us, plans fall through, and life goes in a different direction than we thought.  The things of this world will never satisfy the void in our hearts that can only be filled by the goodness of God.  Yet, Biblical hope never changes.  True, godly hope will last forever and never disappoint!  And it is for this reason we can truly rejoice even in the midst of suffering.

As my eyes are opened to the beauty of rejoicing in suffering, my early morning time ends with prayer.  And then I realize, this is all about Him.  Resisting the temptation of sleeping in and, instead, following the prompting to get up early to spend 20 minutes with Jesus is all about Him, not me.  It also puts life in proper perspective.  In the end, all this rejoicing is possible because Jesus came to earth, took our place in death, and conquered death in order to reign forever!  Can I get an Amen?!

I sincerely encourage you to find your 20 minutes with Jesus each day whether it be morning, afternoon, or evening.  Jesus is never too busy for you!  It’s so worth the effort and it will keep us focused on Christ throughout the day.  What is God teaching you right now?  How can you rejoice no matter the circumstance?  Please feel free to share how God is renewing you and, as a result, God will use you to renew others. 

Beth Ann

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