To my sisters in Christ,
I was blessed by this poem and wanted to share it with you.
May you be encouraged to continue in your journey
of taking 20 minutes a day to seek God.
Tread in solitude your pathway,
Quiet heart and undismayed.
You will know things strange, mysterious,
Which to you no voice has said.
While the crowd of petty hustlers
Grasps in vain and meager things,
You will see a great world rising
Where soft sacred music rings.
Leave the dusty road to others,
Spotless keep your soul and bright,
As the radiant ocean's surface
When the sun is taking flight.
from the German of V. Schoffel
Streams in the Desert
Now go and seek Him! There is nothing of more importance!
With love,
Beth Ann
Thank you Beth Ann for the reminder. Sometimes when life gets crazy busy it is easiest to put off our time with Him but I know it is the most important time I could possibly spend each day.