Sunday, March 15, 2015

Miracles Behind Closed Doors

My eyes strained to open to the new day.  Heavy limbs weakly attempted to climb out of bed.  The reality of a new day met my thoughts as my feet slowly moved forward during the early hours of the day.  No sooner than taking my first step, my enemy began to taunt me.  Fear.  Fear echoed off the walls of the silent house.  What if someone attempts to harm my family?  What if the terrors of the world enter my neighborhood?  My chest tightens and I remind myself to breathe.   

In an attempt to push it away, fear brushed from another direction as I poured my coffee.  The great unknown towered over me whispering all the “what ifs” of the unplanned future.  Where will we go?  How will we get there?  What if this happens?  What if that happens?  An ache in my throat….breathe.   

Now feeling completely overwhelmed in just the first moments of this new day, I continued the familiar path through the early darkness.  Turning the corner, now with hot coffee steaming from my favorite mug, fear startles me from a new direction.  I’m not doing this mom thing very well.  What if my kids fail in life or go wild ‘n crazy when they leave home someday?  What if they resent me?  Or worse, what if they turn from the Lord?  Now the fear is unbearable.  An unstoppable tear arrives in the rim of my eyes….just keep breathing.  

By this point, it’s no wonder what spills out onto the pages of my journal… 

“Jesus, I need the tempest inside of me to be calmed.  It’s raging and dangerous.  I can’t calm it on my own.  It’s destructive. “ 

Many days I seek and find.  Pages of Scripture turn, pens mark, words are recorded in my journal.  I study, meditate, and write, grasping for a glance of my Savior.  But this day was different.  My Jesus spoke first.  Witnessing my drowning in raging fear, he reached down to pull me from the deep.  

Call it coincidence or accidental, I call it intervention.  Without seeking, everything pointed to fear.  Scripture after Scripture relating to fear fell into my lap.  This was, indeed, no accident. 

“I praise God for what he has promised.  I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?  What can mere mortals do to me?”  Psalm 56:4 

“Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer; answer me, for I need your help.  Protect me, for I am devoted to you.  Save me, for I serve and trust you.  You are my God.”  Psalm 86:1-2 

“He will cover you with his feathers.  He will shelter you with his wings.  His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”  Psalm 91:4 

“For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory.”  Psalm 32:7 

And on and on it went…nothing short of a miracle in the wee hours of the day, in a quiet place, with a broken heart.  Jesus showed up to reassure and direct. 

And he wants to meet with you, too.  It doesn’t matter if you follow a curriculum or read the Bible one page at a time or faithfully take in a daily devotional…just make the time to meet with Jesus.  He has words for you.  Words of encouragement, hope, direction, correction…words specific to your moment of time in this life!  Devote time each day to seek our Savior and he will meet you wherever you are.  He wants a relationship with you.  His arrival on this earth is proof that he wants you to know him!  Miracles will happen in those quiet moments, behind closed doors, with your heart and his.  I beg you not to miss it! 

What is God speaking to you about today?  To what Scriptures has he lead you?
Seeking Him,
Beth Ann

1 comment:

  1. Psalm 103: "Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name." I to have been reminded this morning how healing it is to sit quiet with the Lord. His word breathes life into our souls. Amidst a world of chaos and busyness God brings peace and calm. I am really realizing how quickly my circumstances will unravel me. Time with Him is the essential ingredient. His word gives perspective on life and how to live it. I can not do this life without the Lord as my strength and my shield. Beth Ann, I to feel a calm and peace as I stop my agenda and spend time with Him. Thanks be to God!
