Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hope of the World

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Instead of a writing post this week, here is a video to use in one of your upcoming 20 Minutes.  As you soak in the words of this song, use it for a worshipful one is watching, no one is judging.  Surrender everything to our Lord and King, our hope...the hope of the world! 

Click here for your time of worship!

Many blessings,
Beth Ann

Friday, February 13, 2015

Hiding God's Word in My Heart

Dear friends,

For one of the first seasons in my life, I have been consistently learning from God for 20 minutes most days. It has been a very blessed season. I crave his presence in my life, and as I’m learning, that always leads to change. So, before the beginning of the 2015 I was praying that the Holy Spirit would help me to see where I needed to grow. He’s been laying on my heart the need to memorize scripture.

I know a lot of scripture…well, let’s put it this way… I know the “just” of a lot of scripture. I know the “main idea” of a lot of passages. I “recognize” many verses. I can “paraphrase” a lot of ideas. These are all good and pleasing things to God, but the Lord has placed on my heart the desire to know the actual wordsof the scripture, where the verses are found in the Bible, the context of the verse,  and the author. ALL of that AND to be able to recall at the appropriate time. So many times I’ll be having a conversation or be in Bible study and think of something I want to share, but…I can’t recall where the scripture is, the talking point moves on, and I miss a chance to make a connection that could be helpful for someone.

I don’t have the history of being good memorizer of scripture…or a good memorizer of really anything. I’m not the type to quote movies or even to sing the right lyrics to songs. I was also not “good” at AWANA as a kid. And truth be told Ikind of got annoyed with it. It had turned into a competition for me and I wasn’t winning. That bothered me, but mostly, it made me not go for the right reasons. So, this year was convicted to tackle this challenge with a history of memorizing with the head and not so much the heart.

That brings me to my plan.

Small-Steps: I am currently memorizing 1 scripture, (yes, just 1) every two weeks for the next year.

Choosing Personally Meaningful Verses: I choose a verse that is meaningful for me and something that the LORD has beenteaching me in my quiet time. I write down possible verses in my journal from quiet time, sermons, and Bible study. Then I read through and see where there are patterns, or one that continues to grip my heart when I read it. I know that choosing a scripture that the Holy Spirit is leading me to will help me to learn it for the right reasons.

Lots of Input and Output: I choose a verse and read it in several translations. ( is a website that offers verses in a ton of translations and I choose which specific wording speaks to my heart.) I read it silently and outloud. I write it down several times. I’m a very visual learner, so I write it pretty on a notcard and begin to try to visualize my writing for recalling the verse. Then I try out reciting it in a low pressuresituation: usually with my husband at dinner.

Consistency: Every two weeks, I am going to choose a new scripture. I practice (or at least read) my new verse daily and review the ones I have memorized.

Accountability: Right now I am participating in a yearlong memorization challenge though Facebook. On the 1st and 15th of every month we post the verse we are memorizing. This group is hosted by Beth Moore and made up of thousands of women from across the country choosing meaningful scripture to memorize. Here is a link to the group:

I’ll leave you with these words, from God’s word, about His word.

Psalm 119:11-16
I have treasured Your word in my heart
so that I may not sin against You.
LORD, may You be praised;
teach me Your statutes.
With my lips I proclaim
all the judgments from Your mouth.
I rejoice in the way revealed by Your decrees
as much as in all riches.
I will meditate on your precepts
and think about Your ways.
I will delight in Your statutes;
I will not forget Your word.

In Him,

Friday, February 6, 2015

A Prayer Journey Through ACTS

I don’t know about you, but I am constantly putting notes and special papers inside my Bible I intend to get back to and never seem to see them again.  I was cleaning out my Bible the other day and came across a slip of paper with “A.C.T.S.” written on it.  As always, God’s timing is perfect!  

While I have been fairly consistent with my 20 minutes a day with God, my prayer life just hasn’t been what where it should.  I felt like I was always asking God for something, yet never giving back to Him in return.  A.C.T.S. was just what I needed to refresh my prayer life.

*A.C.T.S. is an easy way to remember key elements of prayer. It’s simply prayer in four parts:
Adoration“Praise be to God!” -Psalms 68:35
Tell God how much you appreciate Him. Express your love for Him. Praise His power and majesty. This is a great way to begin your prayer time.
Confession“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” -1 John 1:9
Tell Him where you have fallen short. Be specific. Thank Him for the forgiveness you have in Christ, and ask for help and strength to turn away from future temptations.
Thanksgiving – Always “glorify him with thanksgiving” -Psalms 69:30
We have plenty of reasons to be thankful. Thank God for His love, His faithfulness, and His patience. Express gratitude for what He’s doing in your life. Thank Jesus for dying on the cross for you. Thank the Holy Spirit for indwelling you and never leaving. Thank Him for being your conscience, your counselor, and that “still small voice.”
Supplication“Make your requests known to God.” -Philippians 4:6
Tell God what you want, no matter how small it seems to you. Do you really think any of your requests are too big to God the Creator?
Why don’t you give it a try?

*Excerpted in part from Prayer Central

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Are You Passionate?

    For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord. How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?  Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith.
Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you.  May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you." 
1 Thessalonians 3:8-12

As I am reading in 1 Thessalonians 3 today, I am struck at Paul’s passion for the Thessalonians and his heart’s desire for them to stand firm in the faith. 
He has a deep yearning and a sense of desperation to see them again as well as encourage them to love one another. 
His passion for the Lord and his fellow believers is undeniable.
 I have to stop and ask myself...
 How passionate am I for my people? 
Am I desperate to see them again and to encourage them in their faith? 
My initial answer would be absolutely.  However, as I truly dwell on this, I realize how my passion can be lazy and lukewarm at times. 
As I pondered my lesson in Children of the Day, one of the things that stood out to me was my need and desire to be more diligent. 
It is not coincidental that I truly have to search my soul for an honest answer to the above question. 
 I do long to be more diligent and intentional with the time the Lord has allowed me on this earth.  I have many people in my life who don’t know Jesus. 
Oh, how I yearn for them to fall crazy in love with him. 
I know many of you love Jesus, too.  I earnestly pray you will stand firm in the faith. 
Women’s Leadership Team is so privileged to serve and represent women at Westwood.  We do have an opportunity to pray earnestly for each one of you. 
We pray for you by name because we sincerely love you.  It is our deep desire for you to stand firm in the faith. 
Paul inspires me to pray more and love bigger.  I believe this is a challenge to stretch and grow me in becoming more intentional in earnest passion and encouragement toward my sisters in the faith. 
What an amazing example given to us right in the pages of God’s great instruction! 
This truth encourages me to keep digging into God’s Word daily.  The more time I spend in his word and in prayer, the more passion I will have for Him and others.
What helps you stay passionate for your people and to be an encouragement to them when life is so full? 
If you have suggestions, please post and encourage each of us. 
I look forward to your comments.

In Christ,