Thursday, December 11, 2014

Comfort and Joy

Dear Friends,

I know I am not alone in my love of the Christmas season.  Are you out there fellow Christmas lovers?  Oh, hello!  There are a lot of you!  It’s finally our season.  Or more accurately, it is our Savior’s season. I know you agree that there are so many things that we associate with this time of year…sights, sounds, smells, and emotions.  We become consumed by our own traditional decorations, the greeting cards, the TV shows and movies, the music, the cookies, the peppermint candles. AND there’s the wonder, the hope, and the anticipation. This year I’ve been especially struck by the comfort and the joy! 

Every day during my quiet time during this advent season, I’ve been reading selections from scripture compiled on the Focus on the Family website.  If you are interested in viewing this Advent reading, please click here. It has been interesting to trace a connection and a contextual importance to the story of Christmas as well as finding the application that is needed in my life. 

On day one I read Isaiah 40:1-5.  With further commentary research, I found that Isaiah’s purpose was to call his generation to holiness and obedience.  I addition he shared the message of comfort and assurance to future generations. When Isaiah was speaking this message, it was exceedingly relevant. Some of the kingdom had fallen into the enemy’s hands and another portion was under serious attack. It was a difficult time to worship for Israel, yet Isaiah addressed his people with tenderness and gentleness. They had been through many trials and would see more trials as a divided nation. Isaiah emphasized the ultimate comfort: the coming of the Messiah and redemption. 

I wrote down the word “comfort” as the theme for this passage.  

The second day’s reading was Isaiah 52:7-10. Isaiah exclaimed that it was a privilege to share the good news that the LORD was returning to Zion. He explains that they could have joy because the LORD had comforted and redeemed His people.  There was an unmistakable energy to this passage of Scripture, and it would be hard to miss the message bursting from these verses. 

I wrote down the word “joy” as the theme for this passage. 

During this season we sing of “tidings of comfort and joy” and these passages have renewed my mind as to what that means today. The message to us in this age is not so very different as it was when Isaiah’s message was received. We are living in a time when obedience to God is unpopular. Like the remnant of Jerusalem that Isaiah was addressing, we have been found as a faithful remnant in a world of corruption. We have been redeemed from this corrupted world by God’s grace alone. And because we know this truth, it is our privilege to proclaim the good news: the tidings of comfort (that we’ve been redeemed) and joy (that He will come again)! 

I hope you find comfort and joy this season! We have a lot to celebrate!  

In Him,

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Night of Lights

The traditional Women's Christmas Outreach has come and has passed, yet has left an eternal message on the hearts of those who attended.  Light...the theme of the night, shone from every nook and cranny.  Light casted it's glory onto every aspect of the evening.  As 5:30 p.m. rolled around, everything was in its place.  Every "t" was crossed, every "i" was dotted, and every light was shining and flickering.  Candles blazed from dressed up tables, a six foot wreath robed in Christmas lights took center stage, and an awe striking chandelier suspended from the gymnasium ceiling turned a basketball court into a king's court.
As tradition would have it, hostesses produced Christmas displays on round tables, each with her own personality sprinkled within the beauties. 

Old friends and new friends encircled the gorgeous displays as conversations of family and Christmas and the amazing, gourmet food filled the room, creating an atmosphere of love and sisterhood.  Jesus’ light was undeniably present.

And we must never forget the solid, servant’s hearts of the men who tirelessly and sacrificially went out of their way and bent over backwards to serve.  To lead, really.  For Christ led by serving and they followed his example.  Once again, the eternal light intruded every inch of the evening.

There were songs and praises, all focused on Jesus’ birth as he brought forth light to this dark world.  The focus of the evening took hearts and minds to the true meaning of Christmas, causing busy women to forget the lists and baking and shopping.  Rather, hearts were focused on forgiveness and joy and eternal blessings.  Light was shed on the truth, causing the world’s idea of Christmas to fade.


The highlight of the evening will be etched in hearts for years to come as Tamara shared stories of light being shared in a dark world across this globe.  As God works through his special servants, his light continues to shine, if even as a small spark.  Hope abounds through devoted people that commit their lives as Global Outreach Workers and are committed to being a city on a hill in a dark and dreary land.  Her words were a comforting reminder of the Godly blessings we receive when we live in his light.

Whether you attended or not, and no matter what your Christmas season looks like this year, let’s keep the focus!  Let all the hype of candy canes, snowmen, packages and bows fade in the light of his glory and grace.  For it was Jesus himself that said to you and me, “I have come as a light…so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in darkness.” John 12:46

Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Making Time

Dear Sisters,

I don’t know about you, but as Christmas approaches the days just seem to go by faster and faster!  There is always more to squeeze in each day.  I find myself struggling a bit to fit in my 20 minutes a day with the Lord.  However, I wanted to share with you why I have been having a lot more success lately than I have in the past.

 At the Westwood Women’s Conference last spring we all received a copy of 20 Minutes a Day for the Rest of Your Life.  Each one of the four study methods in the book was outlined for us so we could have a chance to try them out at home.   I faithfully spent 20 days trying out each method and landed on the one called Devotionals.   This method is pretty much exactly what it sounds like – you choose a devotional and spend time in it every day.  I typically begin and end in prayer and occasionally will journal. 

 I am currently reading three devotionals – Our Daily Bread, Craving God (Lysa TerKeurst), and My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.  These devotionals are very different from each other.  I must admit that on most days Oswald goes right over my head.  This is not a bad thing, however, since some days I’m up for a different style than others.  Each speaks to me in a different way as do the accompanying Bible verses.

 I have come to realize that I make time for what is important to me.  And that includes my time with God.  I can’t expect my friendships to flourish without devoting time and attention to them.  So how can I expect my relationship with God to grow if I am not cultivating a growing relationship with him? 
In love,

Friday, November 14, 2014

Rejoice + Suffering = Hope

To my sisters in Christ,

The sound of the alarm blares in my ear annoying quite possibly the worst morning person in the world.  The early morning thoughts in my head war against each other.  One argument attempts to sway me to get up and enjoy the opportunity for Bible study.  Unfortunately, the opposing side screams louder that more sleep is required, luring me back to sleep.  And then…there it is.  The sound of a text from my friend across town, alerting me that she’s awake and ready for her time with Jesus.  She’s expecting a text in return, keeping me accountable each day for early morning quiet time with the Lord.

So, in an effort to please my friend and reward myself with a cozy coffee, my feet sluggishly hit the ground.  Notice, my intensions have not Jesus in mind!  Stumbling through the dark, and very possibly over some shoes in the middle of the bedroom floor, I somehow make it to the good old faithful Keurig awaiting me in the kitchen.  With one push of a button and in a matter of seconds, coffee is brewing and I’m beginning to think the venture away from the warm bed may have been worth it.  Tiptoeing past the sleeping puppy, I whisper a prayer that he doesn’t stir.  At this time, my focus remains self-centered as I desperately crave the quiet atmosphere.  The house is alive and noisy all day and I relish a few minutes of complete silence.

Upon arriving to my oversized chair with freshly brewed coffee in hand, I grab my Bible, journal and colorful pens, cuddle in a warm quilt, and pray, “Lord, help me to stay awake!”  And it is at that moment I sense the voice of Jesus in my heart, welcoming me by saying, “I know it wasn’t easy but I’m so glad you made it this morning.  Let’s spend some time together.”

Opening the pages of the sacred script, I read in Romans 5, “…rejoice in our suffering…”

Wait…what?  Did I just read that?  Is my mind still asleep and not quite understanding the words on the page?  Did you just say REJOICE and SUFFERING in one sentence?  With a rub of my eyes and a second glance on the page, I read it again, “And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:2b-4 NIV

That’s all it takes.  Just a verse or two for God to change your course in life, leading you toward him.  So following a method in the challenge, I dig in a little deeper to allow the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts.  What are the facts of these verses?  If I were to explain this in my own words, what would I say?  For starters, we rejoice because the end result is hope.  However, getting from suffering to hope is a process.  In our suffering, we persevere which produces character and ultimately leads to the path of the eternal assurance of hope. 

After observing the facts, I ask myself, what are the lessons I can learn from these verses?  At first glance, I come to the conclusion that rejoicing in suffering is never a natural response.  As sinful people, we do not naturally rejoice when afflicted by suffering.  It goes against everything in us.  The process of completely embracing the hope that the Bible speaks of may not be completely realized on this side of heaven.  However, as we read in verse 6, this hope will not disappoint.

After observing the facts, I seek out how to apply these truths to my own life?  The Holy Spirit shows me that it is my job, through His power, to rejoice in suffering.  Rejoicing is a word showing action, something for which we are commanded to do.  As I read how hope does not disappoint, I realize that this hope is not of this world.  My addiction to iced white chocolate Americanos will eventually disappoint me.  A quiet house and time alone will come to an abrupt end at exactly 7:00 a.m. when the kids come bouncing out of their rooms.  My family cannot be absolutely everything to me.  My deepest dream of returning to my “Old Kentucky Home” may never come true.  People may disappoint us, plans fall through, and life goes in a different direction than we thought.  The things of this world will never satisfy the void in our hearts that can only be filled by the goodness of God.  Yet, Biblical hope never changes.  True, godly hope will last forever and never disappoint!  And it is for this reason we can truly rejoice even in the midst of suffering.

As my eyes are opened to the beauty of rejoicing in suffering, my early morning time ends with prayer.  And then I realize, this is all about Him.  Resisting the temptation of sleeping in and, instead, following the prompting to get up early to spend 20 minutes with Jesus is all about Him, not me.  It also puts life in proper perspective.  In the end, all this rejoicing is possible because Jesus came to earth, took our place in death, and conquered death in order to reign forever!  Can I get an Amen?!

I sincerely encourage you to find your 20 minutes with Jesus each day whether it be morning, afternoon, or evening.  Jesus is never too busy for you!  It’s so worth the effort and it will keep us focused on Christ throughout the day.  What is God teaching you right now?  How can you rejoice no matter the circumstance?  Please feel free to share how God is renewing you and, as a result, God will use you to renew others. 

Beth Ann

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Trust Like Abraham

Dear Friends,

Have you ever had a time in your life in which everywhere you turned, you seemed to hear the same message?  I am currently in the thick of one of those divine experiences…I am hearing “trust. It all started this summer when sickness attacked one of my grandkids.  About the same time, two of my grandkids were diagnosed with learning disabilities.  My heart warred with God!  How could he let this happen to these sweet kids?

In the mist of my battle with God, I visited my sister in North Carolina, a relatively recent widow.  As we hung out together over several days, truth poured out of her heart.  “My husband is gone so all I can do is lean into Jesus.”  “No, I don’t worry a lot.  I know that Jesus will work it out.”  As I pondered her words on the plane ride home I asked myself, do I lean into Jesus or are there people and earthly things into which I lean?  Why do I worry so much about my family and then find myself arguing with God?  Do I trust that Jesus will work things out for the good?  As I poured over these questions, I realized that the common theme was trust.  The question begs: Do I really trust Jesus with my family?

Upon returning home, I was hit between the eyes again with trust.  In the midst of studying Romans 4 with my Life Group, Abraham was being used as an illustration of justification by faith and not by works.  God promised him that he would be a father and his wife would conceive.  But to his human perspective, he was an old man and Sarah was post-menopausal.  Now, how is that going to work?  The promise is against all odds, all science, and all reason!  Sarah was past child bearing years and had been for several decades.  In addition to the impossibilities, Abraham was about 100 years old.  With all odds against them, it seemed quite impossible.  However, God allowed Sarah to conceive and have a child.  What hit me between the eyes was that Abraham and Sarah TRUSTED God to do what he said he would.  And even though it made no sense to have a child at that age, they trusted God to work it out according to his covenant promise.  It seems to me that at that time in their lives, they were really leaning into God.  Would I have done that?  I must honestly say, I really don’t know.  Will I trust Jesus with my family?  I want to…

So what does this have to do with spending time in God’s word for 20 minutes a day?  When God continually speaks a word like “trust” to me, it seems he wants me to listen because he has a lesson to teach me.  He speaks through his people (my sister), his Word (Romans), and the Holy Spirit (pondering and praying) and he desires me to listen.  If I am not daily in his Word and praying, I will regretfully miss what he has to teach me.

Do I fully trust God with my family? Probably not fully, but I am getting encouragement and instruction from his Word and I believe that my trust is developing.  What key theme is God showing you as you consistently spend time in his Word and in prayer?

Trusting as I go,

Monday, November 3, 2014

Sunday Take Aways

There's a lot to learn from Jonah!  Here are yesterday's Take Aways...

1.  We can run but we can't hide.
2.  Our only hope is in the Sacrifice.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Best Yes

Dear Sisters,
Does the saying “overwhelmed schedule, underwhelmed soul” resonate with any of you?  Well, it sure does with me.  That is the title of one of the chapters in the book The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst.   In the busyness of life it is so easy to put off my 20 minutes a day.  My focus falls on my list and making myself available to anyone or anything that comes my way.  And, sometimes when working in ministry, I feel obligated to say yes all the time and question if no is acceptable.  As a result, I live at the mercy of the requests of others that come my way each day.  But what I am realizing is other people’s requests dictate the decisions I am making.  So I often live my life reactive instead of proactive.  Lysa hit it home for me when she says, “We must not confuse the command to love with the disease to please.”  This advice helped me tremendously.

 Lysa talks about yes and no being the two most powerful words you can communicate.  In God’s plan I have a part to play.  The basic meaning of a “best yes” is me playing my part. I should live my life making decisions with the “best yes” as my best filter.  So, for me as I run from one demand to the other, I begin to see my time with the Lord hitting the back burner.  Maybe I miss a day or two, or I still have my time with the Lord, but I’m so exhausted I can barely keep my eyes open.  This shows me my yes’s are overwhelming my “best yes” and depleting my soul.  An underwhelmed soul is one who knows there is more God made her/me to do.  Unless I am in constant communication with the Lord and spending time to listen to Him, I end up with an underwhelmed soul.  Then what is the point?  My desire to serve the Lord and be a blessing to others fades.  How can I bless others if I am not in relationship with the Lord.

One of the best pieces of advice from Lysa is, “Seek instruction before direction.”  The only way I am going to truly know God’s direction for me is to seek His instruction from His Word, prayer, and listening to Him.  Having unbroken companionship with Him helps me hear His instruction.  Then I can see His direction, which of course, leads me to the “best yes.”  So, it is becoming clear, I am going to need to say no to some things in order to say yes to the best things.  At the top of my yes list is time with God, digging in His Word and being still before Him to hear from Him.  How are you doing with yes and no?  Is your busyness interfering with putting God first?  Will you join me in re-prioritizing and keep our time with the Lord our “best yes?”
Listening to Him,

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sunday Take Aways

This past Sunday, the sermon Take Aways were as follows:

1.  Live now for what's to come.
2.  Jesus is renewing us to renew the world.
3.  Would you join us?

Any thoughts?  We'd love to hear what God is teaching you!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Knowing God

Hello Sister,  

My family and I moved to Washington at the end of May.  My husband is a physician in training in pediatrics at JBLM.  There were a few weeks that we were getting out of boxes and I just was in that transition of missing the old, getting settled into the new, wanting normalcy; yet, all the while, feeling unsettled. I was driving home from the gym one day and my son had fallen asleep in the car.  I had a minute when things were quiet. I remember asking God questions, “Who am I right now?” “What do you have for me here in this new place?” Have you ever been there, too? So I asked, and then I was quiet (which is something that I should be more often after I ask God a question).  And God said quietly, “I want you to know me.” This was the first layer of his answer.

 During Pastor Phillip’s sermon series in John, Pastor Phillip suggested reading through the whole book of John and said we’d be blessed. Well, God gave me the next layer to his answer. He gave me John 17:3-4 Jesus himself said, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. ” So now, the answer to my question was getting to be even less about me.  A beautiful layer was added, “I want you to know me and my son, Jesus Christ. And because of the love we have for you, you can know us.” He also packaged it, “This is not only your answer for right now, this is your answer forever. For eternity, I want you to keep knowing me.” I was getting the depth of this lesson that he was teaching me. This is the gospel! This is the most familiar thing to me; but I was seeing it with new eyes.

Shortly after this, the sign-ups for Women’s Tuesday Life Groups was released, and I read through the list. The Lord led me to sign up for Knowing God by Name. He answered my question with an opportunity that had the very words he’d spoken to me a couple of months before and now, it was even more personal. Know me intimately, know me by name! So, that’s layer three if you’re still counting.  

I’m also participating in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) this year. The study is looking at the life of Moses and God gave me another layer through His Word. God has just told Moses that He was sending him to be the deliverer of His people that were enslaved in Egypt. Moses says in Exodus 3:11 “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt?” In the following verses he gives several excuses to the Lord as to why he doesn’t think he can do the task he was given. In giving these excuses to the Lord we see that he is wrestling with his identity and the purpose God has for him. He’s pleads with the LORD, “I might not be who you think I am. Even if I did go, who would I say sent me? And what am I supposed to say?” His unsettledness and excuses are similar to my question to God, “Who am I, Lord?” How does the Lord answer him? He answered in the same way he did with me. He didn’t answer in terms that defined Moses. He answered in terms that defined Himself. He says “I will be with you.” And with grace he turns the words in Moses’ question (“Who am I?”), and says “I Am Who I Am.”  

He has faithfully answered my question. And, this is where the rubber meets the road.  To know Him I have to spend TIME with Him and He’s teaching me it has to be on a daily basis. God has been so faithful as I’ve asked for help with consistency.  

First of all, He’s shown me that time with Him is always time well spent. A (nearly) daily quiet time with Him puts me in an upward spiral! I put a little time in, He teaches me big things, and I want to spend even more time with Him. Secondly, He’s provided a specific strategy to help me. My challenge is getting started; so I’ve been laying my Bible and studies out on the kitchen table at night so that they are open and ready the next morning. It also gives me a peek at what he is going to teach me the next day. This preview gives me the energy to start! Lastly, He’s shown me his grace. As his child he has shown me that even if I miss a day of listening to Him (reading his word and spending time in prayer) there is no punishment. He’s shown me that the shame I feel is not from Him. Though there is no shame, I will miss the blessing of knowing Him more.  He is always faithful in teaching and changing me! 

Ponder His goodness, bless the Lord for His answers, and thank Him for offering Himself and His grace when we didn’t know that’s what we needed.

In Him,
Grace Strube

Friday, October 3, 2014

Twenty Minutes A Day

Dear sisters,
Fall is my favorite time of year – I love the changing leaves and getting back into our routine.  Even after the best of summers, my children are ready to go back to school and I am ready for a little peace and quiet.  I also look forward to going to Life Group and getting back into the Word.    

But now comes a confession.  I’ve come to realize that I’ve been a seasonal student of the Bible and that is not a good thing.   

Can you imagine if Jesus took off the summer?   

Well, that is exactly what I’ve been doing and I recently challenged myself to do something about it. 

I committed to study the Word for 20 minutes a day for 20 consecutive days in August.   I used a book called 20 Minutes A Day For The Rest Of Your Life as a guide since I knew I couldn’t do it by myself.  I also had an accountability partner – my old fashioned egg timer which I wound up and set right next to me so that I wouldn’t be tempted to fudge on my time. 

Although 20 minutes a day doesn’t sound like much, it was daunting to me.  The amazing thing is that after two months, I find myself spending more and more time in the Word, in prayer, and even looking forward to that quiet time with God.   

Do I still have days where 20 minutes is a struggle?  Of course I do.  Do I ever miss a day?  Yes, but I get right back into it the next day and it is so much easier than letting it go for days at a time.  And I still use my egg timer when I’m feeling especially distracted. 

God has been showing me through this experience that He is always faithful to me and I need to be faithful to Him – all the time – not just when it is convenient or I need something.  I am a steward of the time God has given me and I need to use it wisely by making time for Him…every day.
In Christ,
Susan Hill

Monday, September 29, 2014

Thoughts to Ponder

Ponder on these "Take Aways" from yesterdays sermon.  What are your thoughts?  What is your response to these truths?  How does it make you feel to know God has a purpose and plan for you?

1.  Where you are is no accident.

2.  Pray for 3-5 people.

3.  Jesus is renewing us to renew the world.

Matthew 5:13-18
Matthew 28:16-20

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hearing & Seeing...Understanding & Perceiving

Dear Sister in Christ, 

Early mornings are not my thing.  However, about 6 years ago, a Bible study I was currently in, challenged me to rise before the sun and seek God.  By the grace of God, for most days, I've continued that pattern.  Not by my own strength, but His alone, can I have the strength to pull myself out of my cozy sheets, before everyone else, and open His Word.

Many days God is encouraging and responds with a message of hope.  Other times, He lovingly points out areas in which I cling to worldly things and resist Him.  Currently, He is doing this very thing.

"Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving."  Isaiah 6:9

Ouch!  Could God really be telling me that I'm not listening?  Is God really confronting my distracted mind and heart?  More specifically, I sensed God pointing out the ugliness of my heart and showing me to whom I relate most in the Scriptures.  No, not Job who, even in his deepest hurt, sought God.  No, not Mary who trusted even when she didn't understand.  But God showed me that my heart most relates to the Pharisees!  That really hurt.

But it's true.  And in my prayer, I wrote:

Jesus, forgive me for the times when I hear your truth but do not care to understand.  Or when I see you yet don't perceive you.  Please open my eyes, ears and heart to you.  And help me not to be so quick to judge others and to be so self righteous.

May you and I never be in a state where God is speaking; yet, we do not understand.  And may we never close our eyes to Him.  Keep watch, dear friend.  God is working all around us.  Listen and see the good things of our good God!

I leave you with this question:  What are you ignoring today from God?  Ask him to help you see and hear...and then understand and perceive!

Beth Ann Graybeal

Monday, August 11, 2014

A Welcome Letter

Dear friend,

Thank you for visiting the new blog for the Westwood Women's Ministry.  It is our hope and prayer that this technical tool will be used to connect, grow and challenge all those who read each word posted. 

The obvious purpose for a blog is to connect the women at Westwood.  Here you will find all the information you need about upcoming events, Life Groups, Mops, and so much more.

On a deeper and more important level, we want to use this new tool to come alongside of all the women involved in this unique ministry and be an encouragement.  Each week, the leadership team will share with you about what God is teaching us during our 20 minutes a day in the Word.  Testimonies of women throughout the church will also be shared to demonstrate how our God is alive and working through each one of us. 

This blog will provide many opportunities to help you embrace Jesus on a daily basis.  May God use the words on these pages to bring renewal in the hearts of Women's Ministry at Westwood. 

Again, welcome!  We look forward to experiencing life together with each of you.

The Women's Leadership Team