Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Practicing Christian Hospitality

With Thanksgiving coming up in a little bit over a week, the thought of gathering is at the front of our minds. You may have plans to be with your immediate family, extended family, or close friends. Maybe you get to enjoy someone else’s hospitality. You may be hosting your 1st or 50th Thanksgiving. For some, hostessing comes very naturally (it is perhaps one of your spiritual gifts) but for others, the thought of hosting can leaves us in the fetal position with a bad case of hives. Now, what a blessing to have this gift, please write a book!!! And if you have the hives, it's likely not caused by an allergy to hosting so you should get that checked out. But, what I'm getting at is, there are some extremes regarding how we might think about showing hospitality- especially when we mistake it for social entertaining. We can easily get sucked into thinking that hosting a gathering is all about appearances. We can also become paralyzed by feeling unworthy or unable to provide what might be expected.

Let’s begin by finding out what the Bible tell us about hospitality…

-The Bible commands us to show hospitality to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Romans 12:13- Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

-We should also show hospitality to strangers as well.
Romans 13: 1-2- Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. 

-We are to show hospitality without grumbling. 
1 Peter 4:8-10- Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

-We should consider our priorities.
Luke 10:38-42- As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.

Christian hospitality is not solely social entertaining…it’s not about having the perfect dishes or decorating with the latest styles. It’s not about your ability to cook. It’s not about being able to hide every mess or do all the dishes before your guests arrive. These actions often enhance a gathering, help guests to feel comfortable, can express that we have prepared for our guests and value them in our homes. BUT, our hosting should not hinge on being able to fabricate perfect outward appearances and it certainly should not be our primary focus. 

Christian hospitality is quite simply “serving”. When we host with love, we are focusing on those that are gathering in. We are turning our focus to them. It’s no longer just about decorating our home, the extravagant meal we’ve prepared, or what we have to say. It’s about providing a comfortable place for others to be, accepting them, and meeting their needs. With those intentions, it is likely that God will use you to touch other’s lives. The laughter at your dinner table might be the first genuine expression of joy someone has seen in quite some time. Serving or taking a plate might be the first time in a while that someone has been shown kindness. Inviting others into your home might be the first step in the softening of a hardened heart. Do not underestimate the power of what God can do through you when you open your doors to others.  

While you are gathering this season, let it be your the intent to serve out of thankfulness to God for all He’s done for you! Allow his graciousness to drive you to host willingly, with a genuine heart, and without fear of approval!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Women's Christmas Outreach Dinner Quickly Approaching

The Women's Christmas Outreach Dinner is quickly approaching. You do not want to miss this beautiful night at Westwood. The Family Center is transformed from a gym into a banquet hall. The many talented and gracious hostesses of Westwood decorate the tables- each with their own unique and stunning styles. Most importantly, the evening provides the opportunity to turn our focus to Jesus at the beginning of the Christmas season. This year's theme is "Tidings of Comfort and Joy." 

Mark your calendars for Friday, December 4th at 5:30pm. Be thinking about friends or co-workers you could invite and share the evening with.

Hostess sign-up will be on Sunday, November 15, at the table in the lobby. 
Tickets will be for sale Sunday, November 22 & 29, at the table in the lobby. They are $20 each. 

Childcare will not be provided that evening. 

If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact Michelle Williams, mwilliams@westwoodbaptist.com or 360.866.6888.

We are looking forward to kicking off our Christmas celebrations with you

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Hello Sister,

If you are reading this, you’ve survived Daylight Savings Time. Whoever came up with this idea, (Ben Franklin, I’ll go ahead and call you out!!!) did not consider the way a toddler would react to an hour shift in on the clock…I won’t go on and on about this but the days are starting super early at my house. And, it was so shocking to lose that extra hour of sunlight in the evening. It seems like the middle of the night when we are finishing up dinner! I’ve been so affected by the tangible darkness that I couldn’t help but think about abstract darkness of our world today. 

The darkness can separate us. Have you ever been in complete and utter darkness? I’m talking about the tangible darkness right now. We used to play hide-and-seek as kids in my home growing up, and there was a room in the basement that had no windows. I remember being in that room with absolutely no light. It was a bizarre feeling. I remember holding my hand up in front of my face and I had no confirmation that it was still there. This utter darkness divides, disunites, and alienates us. We might enter the darkness inadvertently, we could be forced into a time of darkness, or the darkness may be rising up within us. Whatever the case, when we are in this darkness, there is sometimes no way out. There is wandering, grasping, and coming up empty. Finding the escape can be a struggle and, in fact, impossible without light.

In contrast to the darkness that drives us apart, the light can gather us together. Just the tiniest bit of light gives away darkness’s secret…that we are not alone. The obstacles are exposed and we can find others, perhaps a solution, and most importantly, Jesus, the source of the light itself. Acts 2:46 tells us about the early believers- “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” These early Christians were surrounded by darkness. Jesus, the light of the world had come, but his acceptance was not instantaneous. And as the differences between the old way of worshipping and new began to grow, the believers who were part of the Jewish faith were eventually driven out by darkness. But, they had the light and they gathered to it. May we be so brave and bold as those early Christians to continue to gather around the light. 

This month will likely be full of gatherings for Thanksgiving with friends and family. Consider the light that drives us to gather together for teaching, prayer and fellowship .

Below is a Bible verse that you can post in your home to remind you of the great reasons we have to gather and be thankful. Right click to download the image.  

In Him, 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Are You In Community?

It's been a busy but energizing week at Westwood. Last Saturday we were blessed to participate in the Beth Moore Simulcast, Tuesday and Wednesday were the kick-off of our women's community groups, and Friday was the first meeting for the MOPS group. 

You guys, if you've been present for any of these meetings and events, you know what I mean by energizing!!! (Does it sound like I'm excited? Well, I'll tell you, I allowed three exclamation points to stay, and I had to delete several.) There is no denying that Jesus is meeting with us as we are gathering together as His church. 

Here are some of the words that have been repeated over and over during our gatherings this week- 

  • Audacious
  • Fearless
  • Strong
  • Thriving
  • Flourishing 

Those are not boring words, no, no! They do not allow for doubt, diversion, or delay. They are about believing, becoming, and beginning. They are strong and mighty! Aaaaagh, it's just so exciting and contagious. But you know what keeps things alive and contagious...kind of like the cold kids spread to and from each other by sharing toys and sippy cups, yeah?...it takes community. It takes gathering, meeting, and sharing. And do you know what makes anything contagious spread no more? Quarantine, staying home, being alone. Alone, this excitement will die. If we keep it to our very own selves...if we hide it in our very private prayer life...if we just don't like talking to other people...If we can't bear having to deal with people who could potentially disappoint us...again...you can be sure that this thing we got going will soon die. You just can't keep it alive yourself, you gotta infect someone else. Jesus is at work in the church and let's be very honest with each other that alone we will crash and burn. Gathering together as the church is a way we can experience God's grace-
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24. 

Come drink, if you will, from my sippy cup, and I will accept the snotty toy you're handing me and let's work to keep this thing alive! Let's spur one another on. 

If any of that makes your heart beat a little faster...I'm hoping it was not the talk of getting a nasty toddler cold (if that's what is exciting to you, let's talk...we have room for volunteers in our children's ministry). But seriously, if you've been missing any of this kind of energy in your life, click yourself right on over to our community groups page and get signed up! 


It's NOT too late to get plugged in with a community to encourage you in your relationship with Jesus. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Are You In a Relationship?

Dear Sisters,

As a woman of a certain age, I grew up in a time when technology was in its infancy… when a teenage girl’s dream was a pink princess phone in her bedroom with her own telephone line.  I would talk to my friends for hours on the phone and when we weren’t on the phone, we were hanging out together, in person, face-to-face.  We didn’t watch much TV (black and white of course) since we only got four channels and that was when the reception with our bunny ears was good!  We invested ourselves and our time in relationships with others.

Don’t get me wrong - I like my cell phone, computer and cable TV as much as the next gal.  But I have come to realize that as my tech time has increased, I have become relationally lazy, not only with family and friends, but with God as well.  I have been thinking a lot about relationships lately and what it means to me as a wife, mother, daughter and friend. I believe God has placed this on my heart and has done so for a reason.  It is to remind me that as a Christian, I am called to believe in Him and be part of a community that belongs to Him.  I am to be in meaningful relationship with Him and those around me.

The thing is, meaningful relationships can be messy and inconvenient, especially with other humans.  It is so much easier to text than pick up the phone and talk.  Or send an email instead of going out for coffee.  And I wonder how many times I have missed an opportunity to be a blessing to someone else because I just didn’t have time.  The truth is, I make time for what I want to make time for and not what God wants me to make time for.  I have made my agenda more important than His.

So, I am challenging myself and challenging you to reach out to one person each week in a way that will provide an opportunity to strengthen a relationship in a personal way.  This could be as simple as a phone call to a friend, a walk with a neighbor or a hand written note to encourage someone going through a difficult time.  Or what about taking time to talk to someone at church who is alone?  God has created us to be relational beings in need of acceptance and belonging.  We need others as much as they need us.  I am looking forward to seeing what God has planned for us!

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Philippians 2:3-4

In Christ, 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Rounding Up the Bitter Root

            I’m starting a study on the book of Hebrews for the summer and the first lesson was reading the entire book of Hebrews straight through for an overview. As I was reading for general themes, there were several verses and ideas that I KNOW are going to be convicting as I dig a little bit deeper. One particular verse that I just can’t shake out of my brain was Hebrews 12:15. “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” I was really struck by the words, bitter root.

            Bitterness is like a root, isn’t it? It doesn’t always show up on the surface as harmful right away. It can hide right below the surface for a long time, begin to grow, then take hold, and finally choke out the good. I am not a gardener (I can keep a succulent alive, but that hardly counts) but I do know what it looks like when weeds take over what was once well tended and it ain’t perty.

            Without naming any news stories specifically, I have felt a bitter root growing in my heart about many current issues in our world. There are a lot of commentaries, a lot of ways to feel, and many ways to react. I see reactions and replies that I would put in the “bitter” category, if not “hateful”. I often don’t react publically, but I do have a reaction in my heart and in my home. And upon closer evaluation, some of my reactions have been with bitterness and NOT with grace.

            Sometimes (let’s be honest here…often…maybe even always???) my flesh and my being have fallen short of even knowing how to react, what to say, and especially what to do. So, now what? Well, this verse from Hebrews points out that my heart’s reply can be with bitterness or with grace. Luke 6:45 reminded me, “What you say flows from what is in your heart.” I am desperate for my words to be healing, for my life to speak what Jesus wants. I long for His grace to heal the spirits’ of those who are hurting; AND I long for His grace to heal my heart of bitterness so that I do not make the wounds worse. I’m looking for Jesus to spray some round-up on my heart. I want to react in such a way that grace and healing will flow and that my bitterness will not cause trouble…more specifically, dissention, bickering, falling-out, and pushing away.  And 2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds me that His healing is just what I need.

Jesus, Your grace is sufficient for me, Your power is made perfect in my weakness. I need your healing and for Your love to take-over my thoughts. I pray You would help me to not fall short of offering Your grace, and that my actions and reactions would not cause trouble for those who need you. Help me not get in the way of the work You want to do through me.

In Him,


Friday, May 22, 2015

Gracious Uncertainty

Dear Sisters,

One of the things I love about the devotional method that I use for my 20 minutes a day is that often the message is directly applicable to issues I am dealing with at that very moment.  One of my biggest struggles is the desire to control as many aspects of my life as possible – and my family’s as well!  I want to be certain about every outcome in any given situation.  And that is truly exhausting and stressful and takes a lot of the excitement out of life.  And it is not of God. 

So when I opened my Bible this morning, guess what I found…a copy of an Oswald Chambers message that I want to share with you in part called “Gracious Uncertainty”.  It was a refreshing read for me and I hope it will be for you as well.
“Certainty is the mark of the commonsense life – gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life.  To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring.  This is generally expressed with a sigh of sadness, but it should be an expression of breathless expectation.  We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God.  As soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task He has placed closest to us, He begins to fill our lives with surprises.  When we become simply a promoter or a defender of a particular belief, something within us dies.  That is not believing God – it is only believing our belief about Him.
 In Matthew 18:3 Jesus said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’”
 The spiritual life is the life of a child.  We are not uncertain of God, just uncertain of what He is going to do next.  If our certainty is only in our beliefs, we develop a sense of self-righteousness, become overly critical and are limited by the view that our beliefs are complete and settled.  But when we have the right relationship with God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy.  Leave everything to Him and it will be gloriously and graciously uncertain how he will come in – but you can be certain that He will come.  Remain faithful to Him.”
In Christ, 

Friday, May 8, 2015


Hey Sisters,

As a night owl, I just generally don't feel my best in the morning. I feel like a groggy zombie, and, yes, that's worse than just a normal zombie. However, the sunshine we've been getting has been helping me to feel a little bit more awake and alive! Have you heard of the worship band All Sons and Daughters? I'm especially loving their song "Alive," and have been using it as my alarm in the morning. A good reminder of the gift of a new day, the blessing of waking up to sunshine, and not waking up as the newest member of the undead...even though I may look like it (no picture for your protection).

You can listen to "Alive" on you-tube. Here is the link for you!  

Fellow night owls, what helps you wake up in the morning? Songs, thoughts, or Bible verses? Comment on Facebook or in the "comments" section below this post.

In Him,

Sunday, May 3, 2015

When the Master Gardner Prunes

Pruning is a vital step in gardening. We cut back dead branches as well as branches that are crossing or invading other branches.  Pruning can also create a desired shape. How we prune will determine the health of the plant and/or the blossoms. For example, if we prune a hydrangea to the ground, it will not kill the bush but we will have no flowers the following spring.  Flowers bloom from the previous year’s growth, therefore, removing the entire bush’s beauty for the next season.
So, why all this pruning talk on this particular blog? It stems from an old book that is sadly no longer in print. The premise of this great read was to live decisively for Jesus and to live focused on Jesus. The author suggested periodically taking time out of life to sit before God, evaluating life’s activities and responsibilities. She viewed her life like a tree but I have adapted her idea to the following.
·        The trunk of the tree represents my relationship with Christ.

·        The roots are what feed that relationship: prayer, Bible reading, Bible study and worship.

·        The limbs represent my family, job, ministry, and personal development.

·        The branches are the activities and opportunities of life.
Our lives, just like trees, get out of balance.  Over time one limb becomes too dense and another too sparse. Or there may be branches that are taking nutrients from the main limbs, translated as activities taking nutrients from my relationship with Christ. Or the root system is not healthy enough to support the tree. This is the time to take out my pruning shears.
The first thing I evaluate is the root system. Am I spending quality time with Jesus every day?  If this area of my life is not healthy, then I know that the trunk of my tree is skinny and the limbs are not being supported spiritually. Then I evaluate my main limbs (responsibilities of life). These change over life’s seasons. During one season, I may have an occupation but, during a later season, I might be retired. Or during one season, I have no children.  In the next season, my home is full of children. Therefore, the limbs have to be evaluated as well. Some are removed and some might be added.
Next, I evaluate the branches looking for dead branches.  These lifeless activities do nothing to feed the responsibilities of life or my relationships with family, friends and Jesus. These branches are cut out first.
After that, I search for branches that are crossing over one another, choking the life out of one or both of the branches.  An example might be heavy ministry requirements choking out family life.  One of those branches needs to be pruned back. It does not remove the major limbs of ministry and family life but it does cut off a branch or two that is taking nutrients that other limbs need.
Finally, I try not to prune away too much in order to reap a harvest for future seasons as in the hydrangea. Taking careful time to choose which branches to prune and which ones to keep requires godly wisdom.
When I put my shears away, I access the roots of the tree once again. I want to insure that time and energy have been set aside to spend time in God’s word, in prayer and in worship. Typically, I am pleased to find that through pruning at the top of the tree, I discover plenty of time for the bottom of the tree. Then my trunk becomes healthy again, feeding the limbs and branches of life.

As I write about this process, I am looking at my life with shears in hand. What needs to be removed?  Do I need to water and fertilize the roots? Just like gardening, I need to schedule regular time to spend before the Lord praying and listening for he is the Master Gardener of our life! What about you? How does your tree look today? Is your root system healthy?


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Though You Slay Me, by Shane & Shane

This week, let's focus on some more worship.  We all feel as though we've been slain in our lives.  But can we truly worship God in those trying moments?  Take a few minutes during your 20 minutes today to worship with Shane & Shane as they lead us and focus our thoughts on God Almighty!

Click here:  Though You Slay Me, by Shane & Shane

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Google Or Jesus?

We are fortunate to live in a time when we have access to the Internet.  We can Google anything from how to fix a dishwasher to finding a new recipe we desire to try.  The list is endless.  And just like a web, one search leads us to countless of others.  Not only is there an abundance of information, it’s also quick, accessible, and immediate. 
But I must ask: where do you go for “searches” like a broken heart or relationship, a broken family, illness, and other life events that seem to completely sideline us?  Where do you turn when answers aren’t necessarily abundant or immediate and when there seems to be no hope? 
Turn to Google and we find just a blank space…a place where we click refresh, yet no refreshment follows.
We have been challenged to take 20 minutes a day spending intentional time with God.  Of the numerous methods in which to follow, I have found that simply reading my Bible has been the most effective for me.  My Bible “Google” search consists of looking in the concordance for the areas in my life where I am burdened to learn and grow, as well as areas in which I am challenged. 
It’s a process that isn’t necessarily quick or immediate as with the Internet. I have learned that reading the Bible is not so much about searching for answers, but, rather, facing the truth that I need Jesus.  In finding Jesus we come to know just how much God loves us. In this process, we discover that there is hope, joy, and peace in any circumstance or situation we encounter because we come to know God.  Our hearts are opened to more of God, his love for us, and his son Jesus Christ.  
God’s Word is complete, timeless, and accurate. His Word is abundant, immediate, and thorough.  It tells of the past and shows us the future.   I have learned through “searching” that my focus has changed from searching for answers to seeking God.  I encourage you to take the opportunity to spend time in the Word, seeking Him.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fighting Back!

Hello sisters!  

I recently finished a Bible study on spiritual warfare. I've been contemplating how Satan tries to attack in this world (from which he will ultimately be destroyed).  But he seems to have such power here, doesn't he? Are you recognizing Satan's attacks for the lies that they are? Here are a few things to watch for! 

Satan's plan against us:

-     Doubt - makes us question God's Word, his goodness, and His promises.

-     Diversion (temptation, lies, deception, and deceit) - makes the wrong things seems attractive so we will want them more than the right things.

-     Defeat (accusation, condemnation, hand to hand combat) - makes us feel like a failure so we do not even try.

-     Delay (discouragement, battle of our minds) - makes us put off something so it never gets done.  

However, we are NOT left without a defense...Our defense in the Lord is perfect! (Ephesians 6: 10-18)

God's defense plan for us: 

-     When you doubt - Shod your feet (understand the gospel and walk in its truth).

-     When you're being diverted by lies, temptation, or deceit - Put up the shield of faith (have absolute confidence in God, his promises, power, and plan).  Put on the belt of truth (be honest with God).

-     When you're feeling defeated or in a battle - Put on the breastplate of righteousness (apply what you know to be true).  Use the sword of the Spirit (know God's word). The Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in you (Romans 8:11).

-     When you're being delayed - Put on the helmet of salvation (be certain of your deliverance because of Jesus' sacrifice for you). 

Don't let these attacks scare you; God's perfect love drives out fear! (1 John 4:18) Use God's plan to have confidence and to fight back! 

In Him,


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Give Ear to My Word

I was reading through a booklet of devotions the other day and came across this verse:

 “In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”
Psalm 5:3 (NIV)

 It is part of a Psalm that David wrote as he prepared to pray to God for protection from enemies.  While the devotion focused on the first part of the verse, it was the second part that got my attention: 

 “…in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”

 Webster’s definition of expectation is as follows:  to anticipate the occurrence of the coming of; the act or state of looking forward or anticipating.

So, David was praying and looking forward to hearing back from God regarding answers to his prayers!  Do I pray with that same attitude…am I looking forward to hearing from God? Am I anticipating answers from him?  To be honest, not really.  I may pray boldly, but do I really believe that God will answer my prayers?  Why not?  If I lay my requests before someone, I expect an answer.  Why wouldn’t I not only expect an answer from God, but also look forward to it?  After all, He has only my best interests in mind.  His answers are always the best – maybe not always what I want – but the best for me.

 Just for fun, I checked out some other Bible translations of “wait in expectation” and found the following:  

“In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.”  (NASB)

 “Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar and watch for fire to descend. (The Message)
In the morning I will order my prayer unto thee, and will keep watch.  (ASV)
In the morning I will direct my voice to you and look up. (NKJV)
“In the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.  (ESV)

Am I eagerly watching?  Am I watching at all?  And what about watching for fire to descend?  No, I’m not, but I should be.  God is listening to me and I need to be looking for and anticipating His answers!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Religion vs. Gospel

Religion - If you obey, God will love you.
Gospel – Because God loves you, you now want to obey (1 John 4:19 says “we love because He first loved us”)

Religion  - We are good and they are bad.
Gospel – Repentant and Unrepentant bad people (all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23)

Religion – Identity is in birth family or growing up in church or being baptized or having an outside moral appearance.
Gospel  – Identity is in new birth and part of new family (Romans 6:4 - We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.)

Religion – Goal is to get from God what I want
Gospel – about getting God and spending eternity with Him (Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God).

Religion – Sees hardships as punishment
Gospel  – Hardships can be used for good to make us more like Jesus.  (Corinthians 12:10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.) 
Religion – Life is uncertain, how do you know when you have been good enough to make sure you are going to heaven?
Gospel – Life is about Jesus and living eternity in heaven.  He died, rose on the 3rd day – it is finished work. We can approach the throne with confidence; we have assurance of eternal life.  (reference??)

Religion – Attitude is either prideful – I’m obedient (do quiet time, get to church early…) or in despair – I have tried and I fail over and over.  Forget it.
Gospel – attitude is one of loving  humility (Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves)

Religion – All about me
Gospel – All about Jesus!

This week evaluate your thoughts as you go about your day.  Where has religion has seeped in?  The mind is powerful so make sure your thinking lines up with the Gospel and is not stuck in religion.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Miracles Behind Closed Doors

My eyes strained to open to the new day.  Heavy limbs weakly attempted to climb out of bed.  The reality of a new day met my thoughts as my feet slowly moved forward during the early hours of the day.  No sooner than taking my first step, my enemy began to taunt me.  Fear.  Fear echoed off the walls of the silent house.  What if someone attempts to harm my family?  What if the terrors of the world enter my neighborhood?  My chest tightens and I remind myself to breathe.   

In an attempt to push it away, fear brushed from another direction as I poured my coffee.  The great unknown towered over me whispering all the “what ifs” of the unplanned future.  Where will we go?  How will we get there?  What if this happens?  What if that happens?  An ache in my throat….breathe.   

Now feeling completely overwhelmed in just the first moments of this new day, I continued the familiar path through the early darkness.  Turning the corner, now with hot coffee steaming from my favorite mug, fear startles me from a new direction.  I’m not doing this mom thing very well.  What if my kids fail in life or go wild ‘n crazy when they leave home someday?  What if they resent me?  Or worse, what if they turn from the Lord?  Now the fear is unbearable.  An unstoppable tear arrives in the rim of my eyes….just keep breathing.  

By this point, it’s no wonder what spills out onto the pages of my journal… 

“Jesus, I need the tempest inside of me to be calmed.  It’s raging and dangerous.  I can’t calm it on my own.  It’s destructive. “ 

Many days I seek and find.  Pages of Scripture turn, pens mark, words are recorded in my journal.  I study, meditate, and write, grasping for a glance of my Savior.  But this day was different.  My Jesus spoke first.  Witnessing my drowning in raging fear, he reached down to pull me from the deep.  

Call it coincidence or accidental, I call it intervention.  Without seeking, everything pointed to fear.  Scripture after Scripture relating to fear fell into my lap.  This was, indeed, no accident. 

“I praise God for what he has promised.  I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?  What can mere mortals do to me?”  Psalm 56:4 

“Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer; answer me, for I need your help.  Protect me, for I am devoted to you.  Save me, for I serve and trust you.  You are my God.”  Psalm 86:1-2 

“He will cover you with his feathers.  He will shelter you with his wings.  His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”  Psalm 91:4 

“For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory.”  Psalm 32:7 

And on and on it went…nothing short of a miracle in the wee hours of the day, in a quiet place, with a broken heart.  Jesus showed up to reassure and direct. 

And he wants to meet with you, too.  It doesn’t matter if you follow a curriculum or read the Bible one page at a time or faithfully take in a daily devotional…just make the time to meet with Jesus.  He has words for you.  Words of encouragement, hope, direction, correction…words specific to your moment of time in this life!  Devote time each day to seek our Savior and he will meet you wherever you are.  He wants a relationship with you.  His arrival on this earth is proof that he wants you to know him!  Miracles will happen in those quiet moments, behind closed doors, with your heart and his.  I beg you not to miss it! 

What is God speaking to you about today?  To what Scriptures has he lead you?
Seeking Him,
Beth Ann

Monday, March 9, 2015

Elohim...Mighty Creator

This week I started a study on the names of God. The first name that we are digging into is “Elohim,” the Mighty Creator.  The author instantly sent us to Genesis 1 where we first see Elohim.  Every time I open the pages of Scripture to this familiar passage, God never ceases to amaze me. “He said, let there be….” and “there was….” God spoke the creation into existence. Who does that?  No one but God. That is why he is called the Mighty Creator.  This truth always stirs me to praise him and honor him for who he is and what he has done.

The author continues with this challenge: “God speaking (1:3,6,9, etc.) brought order and beauty from darkness and chaos (1:2). In what areas of your life do you need God to bring order and beauty from that which is dark and chaotic? Can you trust him to do this? What, in the creation story, encourages you that he will?” Oh, that question brought the Mighty Creator right into the center of my life. Of course there is darkness and chaos in life starting with a sister with cancer, grandkids with learning disabilities that break my heart, a friend in the hospital, another friend struggling with an auto immune disease, and the list goes on and on.  Darkness and chaos surround us daily. Our habitat is in a fallen world. But the author goes further and asks, Can you trust God to bring order and beauty into cancer and learning disabilities and sickness and loss?  At this moment, I paused and pondered. Can I trust the Mighty Creator to bring order and beauty from these things?

Upon further study, I glanced at Genesis 1:3-4, “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.” As I meditated on these passages, I thought about cancer. It is dark and ugly and hard, yet, in the middle of the awfulness of cancer, God shows up and brings light into the darkness.  Sometimes He heals; sometimes He takes the person home to be with Jesus.  But all of his actions are light. Then my mind wandered to why the young grandkids are struggling with learning disabilities. He created them just as they are, yet, in the mist of the struggle, he brings light into their lives and they see Jesus in ways that I never could.

As I continue to ponder on creation and the Mighty Creator in my life, my heart trusts him to bring order and beauty into the darkness and chaos of life. However, I continue to ask him to help me when I don’t fully trust. How about you? Do you trust the Mighty Creator to bring order and beauty where darkness and chaos reign?   Or are you trusting yet asking for more trust in the weakest moments?

Learning to trust,
Bev Bartlett

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hope of the World

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Instead of a writing post this week, here is a video to use in one of your upcoming 20 Minutes.  As you soak in the words of this song, use it for a worshipful experience...no one is watching, no one is judging.  Surrender everything to our Lord and King, our hope...the hope of the world! 

Click here for your time of worship!

Many blessings,
Beth Ann

Friday, February 13, 2015

Hiding God's Word in My Heart

Dear friends,

For one of the first seasons in my life, I have been consistently learning from God for 20 minutes most days. It has been a very blessed season. I crave his presence in my life, and as I’m learning, that always leads to change. So, before the beginning of the 2015 I was praying that the Holy Spirit would help me to see where I needed to grow. He’s been laying on my heart the need to memorize scripture.

I know a lot of scripture…well, let’s put it this way… I know the “just” of a lot of scripture. I know the “main idea” of a lot of passages. I “recognize” many verses. I can “paraphrase” a lot of ideas. These are all good and pleasing things to God, but the Lord has placed on my heart the desire to know the actual wordsof the scripture, where the verses are found in the Bible, the context of the verse,  and the author. ALL of that AND to be able to recall at the appropriate time. So many times I’ll be having a conversation or be in Bible study and think of something I want to share, but…I can’t recall where the scripture is, the talking point moves on, and I miss a chance to make a connection that could be helpful for someone.

I don’t have the history of being good memorizer of scripture…or a good memorizer of really anything. I’m not the type to quote movies or even to sing the right lyrics to songs. I was also not “good” at AWANA as a kid. And truth be told Ikind of got annoyed with it. It had turned into a competition for me and I wasn’t winning. That bothered me, but mostly, it made me not go for the right reasons. So, this year was convicted to tackle this challenge with a history of memorizing with the head and not so much the heart.

That brings me to my plan.

Small-Steps: I am currently memorizing 1 scripture, (yes, just 1) every two weeks for the next year.

Choosing Personally Meaningful Verses: I choose a verse that is meaningful for me and something that the LORD has beenteaching me in my quiet time. I write down possible verses in my journal from quiet time, sermons, and Bible study. Then I read through and see where there are patterns, or one that continues to grip my heart when I read it. I know that choosing a scripture that the Holy Spirit is leading me to will help me to learn it for the right reasons.

Lots of Input and Output: I choose a verse and read it in several translations. (Biblehub.com is a website that offers verses in a ton of translations and I choose which specific wording speaks to my heart.) I read it silently and outloud. I write it down several times. I’m a very visual learner, so I write it pretty on a notcard and begin to try to visualize my writing for recalling the verse. Then I try out reciting it in a low pressuresituation: usually with my husband at dinner.

Consistency: Every two weeks, I am going to choose a new scripture. I practice (or at least read) my new verse daily and review the ones I have memorized.

Accountability: Right now I am participating in a yearlong memorization challenge though Facebook. On the 1st and 15th of every month we post the verse we are memorizing. This group is hosted by Beth Moore and made up of thousands of women from across the country choosing meaningful scripture to memorize. Here is a link to the group:https://www.facebook.com/BethMooreMinistries.

I’ll leave you with these words, from God’s word, about His word.

Psalm 119:11-16
I have treasured Your word in my heart
so that I may not sin against You.
LORD, may You be praised;
teach me Your statutes.
With my lips I proclaim
all the judgments from Your mouth.
I rejoice in the way revealed by Your decrees
as much as in all riches.
I will meditate on your precepts
and think about Your ways.
I will delight in Your statutes;
I will not forget Your word.

In Him,