Sunday, April 19, 2015

Google Or Jesus?

We are fortunate to live in a time when we have access to the Internet.  We can Google anything from how to fix a dishwasher to finding a new recipe we desire to try.  The list is endless.  And just like a web, one search leads us to countless of others.  Not only is there an abundance of information, it’s also quick, accessible, and immediate. 
But I must ask: where do you go for “searches” like a broken heart or relationship, a broken family, illness, and other life events that seem to completely sideline us?  Where do you turn when answers aren’t necessarily abundant or immediate and when there seems to be no hope? 
Turn to Google and we find just a blank space…a place where we click refresh, yet no refreshment follows.
We have been challenged to take 20 minutes a day spending intentional time with God.  Of the numerous methods in which to follow, I have found that simply reading my Bible has been the most effective for me.  My Bible “Google” search consists of looking in the concordance for the areas in my life where I am burdened to learn and grow, as well as areas in which I am challenged. 
It’s a process that isn’t necessarily quick or immediate as with the Internet. I have learned that reading the Bible is not so much about searching for answers, but, rather, facing the truth that I need Jesus.  In finding Jesus we come to know just how much God loves us. In this process, we discover that there is hope, joy, and peace in any circumstance or situation we encounter because we come to know God.  Our hearts are opened to more of God, his love for us, and his son Jesus Christ.  
God’s Word is complete, timeless, and accurate. His Word is abundant, immediate, and thorough.  It tells of the past and shows us the future.   I have learned through “searching” that my focus has changed from searching for answers to seeking God.  I encourage you to take the opportunity to spend time in the Word, seeking Him.

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