Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fighting Back!

Hello sisters!  

I recently finished a Bible study on spiritual warfare. I've been contemplating how Satan tries to attack in this world (from which he will ultimately be destroyed).  But he seems to have such power here, doesn't he? Are you recognizing Satan's attacks for the lies that they are? Here are a few things to watch for! 

Satan's plan against us:

-     Doubt - makes us question God's Word, his goodness, and His promises.

-     Diversion (temptation, lies, deception, and deceit) - makes the wrong things seems attractive so we will want them more than the right things.

-     Defeat (accusation, condemnation, hand to hand combat) - makes us feel like a failure so we do not even try.

-     Delay (discouragement, battle of our minds) - makes us put off something so it never gets done.  

However, we are NOT left without a defense...Our defense in the Lord is perfect! (Ephesians 6: 10-18)

God's defense plan for us: 

-     When you doubt - Shod your feet (understand the gospel and walk in its truth).

-     When you're being diverted by lies, temptation, or deceit - Put up the shield of faith (have absolute confidence in God, his promises, power, and plan).  Put on the belt of truth (be honest with God).

-     When you're feeling defeated or in a battle - Put on the breastplate of righteousness (apply what you know to be true).  Use the sword of the Spirit (know God's word). The Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in you (Romans 8:11).

-     When you're being delayed - Put on the helmet of salvation (be certain of your deliverance because of Jesus' sacrifice for you). 

Don't let these attacks scare you; God's perfect love drives out fear! (1 John 4:18) Use God's plan to have confidence and to fight back! 

In Him,


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